INSTALL THESE APK'S AT YOUR OWN RISK! It is highly recommended that you install through Google Play. By side-loading these apps, you risk some issues... -Google Play may not detect the installation and thus you will not receive updates or update notifications. -Bugs that have since been fixed. If installing over an existing installation: -Loss of data, especially if crossing between versions that save data differently (check the change logs!). -Loss of features, which may prevent access to data or lead to undesired behavior. -Other incompatabilities between versions. Why you might want to side-load: -You are unable to use Google Play. Example: You are using an emulator or a different app distribution platform (e.g. Amazon Appstore). -You want to roll back to an older version. Example: You don't like the latest version or it's broken. -You want to check out what older versions were like. Example: Nostalgia or curiosity. Again, INSTALL AT YOUR OWN RISK!