Elco 80

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Sources: uboat.net, warshipsww2.eu
Real life BF1942 BF1942: WWII Reality (current)
Variant ELCO 80 Foot PT Boat (probably 1942 series, unknown number) Elco 80 Elco 80
Dimensions {{{rdimension}}} {{{bfdimension}}} {{{bfrdimension}}}
Displacement 51,000kg 40000kg 51000kg
Draft 1.68m
Max depth
Crew 11 2 (driver/torpedo/mine and gunner) 2 (driver/torpedo/mine and gunner)
Capacity (passengers, vehicles, etc.)
Max speed 43 knots (79.636km/h, 22.1m/s)
Range Unlimited Unlimited
Engine performance 3 engines, 3 shafts; 4050 HP
Notes {{{rnotes}}} {{{bfnotes}}} {{{bfrnotes}}}

Sources: navweaps.com, warshipsww2.eu, Wikipedia
Real life BF1942 BF1942: WWII Reality (current)
Variant 2 or 4 533mm torpedo tubes 2 torpedo tubes 2 torpedo tubes
Dimensions {{{rdimension}}} {{{bfdimension}}} {{{bfrdimension}}}
Weight {{{rweight}}} {{{bfweight}}} {{{bfrweight}}}
Features/settings {{{rfeature}}} {{{bffeature}}} {{{bfrfeature}}}
Ammunition capacity 2 or 4 Mark 8 torpedoes 10 torpedoes 2 torpedoes
Ammunition weight 1,179kg 200kg 1179kg
Rate of fire 3.5rps (210rpm) 3.5rps (210rpm)
Muzzle velocity 30m/s 12m/s
Firing range 14,600m @ 18.52m/s; ~788sec 20 seconds @ 200m/s max speed? 788 seconds @ 18m/s max speed?
Tracer range/time
Elevation range
Elevation rate
Traverse range
Traverse rate
Notes {{{rnotes}}} {{{bfnotes}}} {{{bfrnotes}}}

Real life BF1942 BF1942: WWII Reality (current)
Variant 2 20mm 4 MG (2x2) dual machine gun dual machine gun
Dimensions {{{rdimension}}} {{{bfdimension}}} {{{bfrdimension}}}
Weight {{{rweight}}} {{{bfweight}}} {{{bfrweight}}}
Features/settings {{{rfeature}}} {{{bffeature}}} {{{bfrfeature}}}
Ammunition capacity 800 3000 (100x30)
Ammunition weight
Rate of fire 450-550rpm (7.5-9.166rps) cyclic 7.5rps (450rpm) 9rps (540rpm)
Muzzle velocity 860m/s 1000m/s 860m/s
Recoil 50 speed 50 speed
Firing range 6,770m max; 1,524m effective
Tracer range/time 2 seconds 2 seconds
Elevation range
Elevation rate
Traverse range
Traverse rate
Notes {{{rnotes}}} {{{bfnotes}}} {{{bfrnotes}}}

Real life BF1942 BF1942: WWII Reality (current)
Variant Mines Mines
Dimensions {{{rdimension}}} {{{bfdimension}}} {{{bfrdimension}}}
Weight {{{rweight}}} {{{bfweight}}} {{{bfrweight}}}
Features/settings {{{rfeature}}} {{{bffeature}}} {{{bfrfeature}}}
Ammunition capacity 6 4
Ammunition weight 10000kg 10000kg
Rate of fire 0.75rps (45rpm) 0.75rps (45rpm)
Muzzle velocity 0m/s 0m/s
Firing range
Tracer range/time
Elevation range
Elevation rate
Traverse range
Traverse rate
Notes {{{rnotes}}} {{{bfnotes}}} {{{bfrnotes}}}