
From Pilot_51's Wiki
Revision as of 03:57, 30 August 2010 by Pilot 51 (talk | contribs)
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PrediSat is an Android app that grabs Iridium flare and satellite pass data from and formats it for the small screen of the phone. It also includes a few features to make satellite watching easier, such as alerts, countdowns, and night mode.


PrediSat in Android Market (Android-only link)
PrediSat on AppBrain
Heavens-Above (the source of satellite data for PrediSat)


v1.0.1 and v1.0.2 [2010-08-28]

-Fixed two crash bugs in the web browser.

v1.0.0 [2010-08-28]

-Initial release to the Android Market!

Started development on 2010-06-29

Known issues

-DST is sometimes 'forgotten' while running in background as AlertService, app/service needs to be restarted to get DST again.
-3 crash reports: IndexOutOfBoundsException and 2 NullPointerException