WWII Reality (BF1942 mod)

From Pilot_51's Wiki
Revision as of 04:10, 17 April 2008 by Pilot 51 (talk | contribs)
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Download links can be found at these sites.


If you have any suggestions, post them in the Talk (discussion) page and I'll most likely list them here.

-Make ships sink slower [suggested by JJ]
-Add more planes (about 10) to the carrier decks [suggested by rome8800]
-Fish [suggested by JJ]

The following suggestions have already been implemented:

-Underwater mines [suggested by JJ]

WWII Reality - Changes

Note: Generally, to-do is in order of newest on bottom and change history is in order of newest on top.


Next release

Most if not all of these changes should be in the next release.
Completed: + = to-do item, V = vehicles, A = aircraft, L = land vehicles, S = ships, H = hand weapons, T = stationary weapons, lower case = partially completed

V      -Increase LOD distances on all objects and effects
AlSh   -Modify reload times as necessary, especially on vehicles (research)
AlS    -Modify ammunition capacities as necessary, especially on vehicles (research)
AlSHT  -Modify projectile velocity (research) [velocity is in meters per second]
       -Fix cannon reload freezing after 15 seconds in battleships
VHT    -Increase TimeToLive on all dynamic objects (some projectiles/explosives might need research)
       -Fix objects known to "pop into view": defgun bunker, ammo box, flags, trees, watch tower, medic locker, some buildings, smoke, bombs
AS     -Make visible weapons operational: some aircraft, ships, and tanks
V      -Adjust mass of objects, especially vehicles and projectiles (research) [mass is in kilograms]
ls     -Add or remove recoil force where necessary (e.g. cannons cause ship to move) [fireingForce]
lsT    -Adjust range of motion for mounted weapons
a      -Make flaps and/or speed brakes operational on aircraft
h      -Make projectiles inherit directional speed of originating weapon
       -Fix networkable info for aircraft flaps
       -Add independent torpedo tubes to submarines
       -Add tracers where necessary
       -Add music and background image or movie
H      -Remove zoom and crosshairs from non-scoped weapons and add iron sights
       -Modify weapon overheat speed (research)
       -Make it take time to crawl in and out of vehicles
       -Add objects that are exclusive to official maps such as the Ju88A
       -Make visible mounted bombs/rockets reappear when reloaded (probably something to do with the number of mags)
       -Make ships sink slower [suggested by JJ]
       -Add simultaneous fire (primary fire) and independent firing (secondary fire) to ship cannons; depth charges and artillery targeting will need to be considered
       -Improve realism of weapon accuracy and recoil
       -Remove medic guns and add a penalty (unless Japanese) for killing medics or find a way to give medics a gun and penalize them if they use the gun for anything other than defense
       -Add extra spawn groups (existing spawn groups are 64-83; avoid going below about 16)
       -Add support for higher resolutions
       -Allow control of aircraft while using mouselook and allow mouselook to be configured to joystick HAT
       -Stability test before and after release
        -Possible stability issues especially include timetolive of projectiles and destroyed objects
        -There could be a problem with extra spawn groups
        -Make sure the Battleship map works properly
        -Test networking stability and visual communication (such as aircraft flaps)

Likely changes

Most of these will likely happen and if it does it will probably be in a not-too-distant release.

 -Add voluntary sonar to submarines and other ships as necessary
 -Modify ship motion (research)
 -Redesign sonar to be realistic (outward instead of around and only works underwater)
 -Modify repair/heal speed and capabilities, such as one engineer can't repair a ship and soldiers can't be healed while they're moving
 -Make sniper scope more realistic
 -Adjust speed of motion for mounted weapons
 -Add the correct number of torpedo tubes to Sub7C (4 forward, 1 aft) and Gato (6 forward, 4 aft)
 -Add additional positions and weapon types to vehicles: AA gun on subs, torpedo tubes on destroyers, more guns on ships, cannons on planes, etc.
 -Allow knife in water
 -Re-arrange class weapons (research)
 -Engineer can remove wrecked vehicles and medic can remove dead bodies
 -Add 2 additional torpedo tubes to patrol boats as necessary (research)
 -Fix prop blur on AichiVal (spinner appears and disappears)
 -Make bomb bay doors, APC doors, and aircraft hatches operational
 -Make vehicles act without a driver as they would with a driver not touching the controls
 -Make view ports in vehicles (and any other holes) pass bullets through and players inside vulnerable to it
 -Ammunition and soldiers add weight to vehicles
 -Adjust vehicles for more accurate strengths and weaknesses
 -Check and adjust size of objects, especially vehicles (research)
 -Improve wake behind sea vehicles
 -Allow bullets of a certain type and speed to pass through (limited) certain objects (e.g. sniper bullet passes through a head)
 -Make weapons break when overheated too much
 -Allow removal of explosives while prone/standing and repairing while crouched
 -Add or remove artillery targeting for vehicles as necessary (research)
 -Make depth charges more realistic for time, depth, and damage effect
 -Fix rifle ammo BF1942 bug (check timeToNotAllowChange)
 -Adjust fade-away and speed of sound
 -Remove reverse from planes and add wheel brakes
 -Make shadows more realistic
 -Change controls for slow-moving cannons (mouse is too slow and tiring with modified weapon speed)
 -Add blood
 -Add collision physics to all objects as necessary (e.g. turrets)
 -Modify vehicle damage, especially water damage
 -Reduce soldier crouch/prone collision height
 -Add spent shell casing projectile where needed, especially aircraft and AA
 -Increase shell lifetime
 -Make shells physical (enable collision)
 -Add air resistance (drag) to all projectiles
 -Make rockets propel themselves unassisted by launch velocity, but only if the correct velocity can be matched
 -Make projectile damage drop-off depend on speed rather than distance
 -Fix double-reloading, which mostly happens right after a low opening with a weapon ready to automatically reload
 -Improve parachute/falling physics and body positioning
 -Soldiers can swim under water
 -Allow reusing mags with bullets remaining

Unlikely changes

Most of these will not happen and if they do it will likely be in a distant release.

 -Destructible buildings
 -Specific damage to vehicle parts, affecting control of the vehicle accordingly
 -Soldiers drown after about a minute under water
 -Add new WW2 vehicles (need pre-created models or a modeler to help out)
 -Add realistic aircraft instruments
 -Add better explosion effects, especially for cannons
 -Fish [suggested by JJ]
 -Make timed fuses (AA, TNT, etc.) settable by the player
 -Remove proximity fuse from AA once player-settable timed fuse is added
 -Sharing of ammunition clips in vehicles, such as the B-17 guns take clips from the same stash
 -For planes that shoot through the propeller, sync the firing rate to the prop speed
 -Ability to select ammunition type to load into weapon
 -Add water motion effect and controlled anchor to sea vehicles
 -Make projectiles physically ricochet when below a certain speed or angle
 -Make dud explosives on rare and random occasions
 -Add arrestor cables to carriers and arrestor hooks to carrier planes
 -Make vehicle enter/exit animations
 -Add manual transmission to vehicles where necessary (research)
 -Add fuel (engine life time) to all vehicles
 -Add control points attached to ships, which when captured (after a long wait) gives the ship to the captors and replaces ship flags
 -Remove distance blur of textures (add anisotropic) if possible
 -Make parachutes only work for players bailing from planes
 -Add earth curvature if possible

Change history

r2 [Under development]

 -Repositioned muzzle flash for some hand weapons
 -Removed crosshairs from hand weapons
 -Removed some first person hand weapon animations to better suit iron sights
 -Changed rotation and zoom position of non-scoped hand weapons to line up the iron sights
 -Removed zoom from non-scoped hand weapons

r1 [2008-02-01]

 -Added custom icon
 -Changed reloadtime for Bazooka and Panzershreck
 -Changed autoreload for Bazooka and Panzershreck
 -Changed timetolive for GrenadeAllies and GrenadeAxis
 -Changed waterdamagedelay and hpLostWhileDamageFromWater for soldier
 -Changed timetolive for Fletcher, Hatsuzuki, PrinceOW cannons, and Yamato cannon projectiles
 -Changed timetolive for mg42_Projectile, Browning_Projectile, ColtProjectile, P38Projectile, M1GarandProjectile, ThomsonProjectile, Mp40Projectile, no4Projectile, k98Projectile, barProjectile, sg44Projectile, DPProjectile
 -Changed projectile gravitymodifier for Carrier_AA_Base, PrinceOW AA, Yamato AA
 -Changed timetolive for KatyushaRocket
 -Changed projectile gravitymodifier for AA_Base, Flak_38
 -Changed projectile timetolive for Ilyushin rear gun, SBD rear gun, and SBD-T rear gun
 -Changed default gravity from -14.73 to -9.81
 -Changed projectile timetolive for B17
 -Changed bomb roundoffire for AichiVal, Ilyushin, Mustang, SBD, and Stuka
 -Changed projectile timetolive for AichiVal main guns, AichiVal-T main guns, BF109, Corsair, Ilyushin main guns, Mustang, SBD, SBD-T, Spitfire, Stuka, Yak9, Zero
 -Changed projectile gravitymodifier for AichiVal main guns, AichiVal-T main guns, B17, BF109, Corsair, Ilyushin, Mustang, SBD, SBD-T, Spitfire, Stuka, Yak9, Zero
 -Changed projectile gravitymodifier for Chi-Ha, PanzerIV
 -Changed projectile timetolive for Chi-Ha, Defgun, M10, PanzerIV, Priest, Sexton, Sherman, T34, T34-85, Tiger, Wespe
 -Changed muzzle velocity for Defgun
 -Changed mass for soldiers
 -Changed timetoliveafterdeath for soldiers
 -Changed cullradiusscale for soldiers
 -Changed timetolive for ExpPack and Landmine
 -Changed rate of fire for Coaxial_browning, Coaxial_MG42, and MG42_Air
 -Changed muzzle velocity for Browning, Browning_Air, Browning_unlimited, Coaxial_browning, Coaxial_MG42, MG42, MG42_Air, MG42_unlimited, Stationary_Browning, and Stationary_mg42
 -Changed gravitymodifier for Tracer_Projectile, mg42_Projectile, Browning_Projectile, M1GarandProjectile, BazookaProjectile, ColtProjectile, P38Projectile, ThomsonProjectile, Mp40Projectile, no4Projectile, k98Projectile, barProjectile, sg44Projectile, DPProjectile
 -Changed timetolive for mg42_Projectile, Browning_Projectile, M1GarandProjectile, BazookaProjectile, ColtProjectile, P38Projectile, ThomsonProjectile, Mp40Projectile, no4Projectile, k98Projectile, barProjectile, sg44Projectile, DPProjectile
 -Changed addrootspeed for Bar1918, Colt, DP, JohnsonLMG, K98, K98Sniper, M1Garand, Mp18, Mp40, No4, No4Sniper, Sg44, Thompson, Type5, Type99, and WalterP38
 -Changed rate of fire for Mp18 and Mp40
 -Changed magazine size for JohnsonLMG, Mp18, and Type99
 -Changed distToMinDamage for Colt and WalterP38
 -Changed muzzle velocity for Bar1918, Bazooka, Colt, DP, JohnsonLMG, K98, K98Sniper, M1Garand, Mp18, Mp40, No4, No4Sniper, Panzershreck, Sg44, Thompson, Type5, Type99, and WalterP38
 -Changed min/max rotation of flaps for AichiVal, AichiVal-T, Bf109, Corsair, Mustang, SBD, SBD-T, Spitfire, Stuka, and Zero
 -Increased terrain LOD, fog distance, and view distance for all official maps
 -Added support for all official maps
 -Changed grip type for main wheels on all aircraft
 -Changed traverse limits for Fletcher cannons, Hatsuzuki cannons, PrinceOW, and Yamato
 -Changed elevation limits for Carrier_AA_Base, Fletcher cannons, Hatsuzuki cannons, PrinceOW, and Yamato
 -Added AddRootSpeed for Elco80 and Type38 torpedo
 -Separated torpedo and mine settings for Elco80 and Type38
 -Changed NoPropellerEffectAtSpeed for Elco80 and Type38 torpedo
 -Changed timetolive for Elco80 and Type38 torpedo
 -Changed launch velocity for Elco80 and Type38 torpedo
 -Changed mass for Elco80 and Type38 torpedo
 -Removed explodeNearEnemyDistance for patrol boat mines
 -Changed 2nd position camera for Katyusha
 -Changed mass for KatyushaRocket
 -Added more rocket positions and tweaked existing positions for Katyusha
 -Changed Katyusha and Willy from to true 4WD
 -Changed recoil force for Katyusha, PrinceOW cannons, and Yamato medium cannons
 -Removed projectile smoke trail for all cannons
 -Changed land vehicle primary weapon muzzle velocity for AA_Base, Chi-ha, Katyusha, M10, PanzerIV, Priest, Sexton, Sherman, T34, T34-85, Tiger, and Wespe
 -Changed land vehicle primary weapon rate of fire for AA_Base, Katyusha, Sexton, and T34-85
 -Changed land vehicle primary weapon ammunition for Chi-ha, Katyusha, M10, PanzerIV, Priest, Sexton, Sherman, T34, T34-85, Tiger, and Wespe
 -Changed cockpit camera movement limits for Sexton
 -Changed land vehicle primary weapon traverse limits for Katyusha, Priest, Sexton, and Wespe
 -Changed land vehicle primary weapon elevation limits for Chi-ha, M10, PanzerIV, Priest, Sexton, Sherman, T34, T34-85, Tiger, and Wespe
 -Changed number of gears for BlackMedal, Chi-ha, Katyusha, Kubelwagen, Lynx, T34, T34-85, and Willy
 -Changed mass for all aircraft except for AichiVal, AichiVal-T, and B-17
 -Changed mass for all land vehicles except for AA_Allies, AA_Base, Defgun, Flak_38, and PanzerIV
 -Changed mass for all sea vehicles except for Carrier_AA_Base, Elco 80 raft, and Type 38 raft
 -Changed bomb/torpedo ammunition for all aircraft
 -Added SetAsynchronyFire 1 for bombs on AichiVal, Ilyushin, Mustang, SBD, and Stuka
 -Changed sea vehicle muzzle velocity for Carrier_AA_Base, Elco 80 Browning, Fletcher cannons, Hatsuzuki cannons, PrinceOW AA and cannons, and Yamato AA and cannons
 -Changed primary gun ammunition for all aircraft except for Stuka
 -Changed rear gun ammunition for Ilyushin, SBD, and SBD-T
 -Changed primary gun muzzle velocity for all aircraft
 -Changed primary gun rate of fire for AichiVal, AichiVal-T, Bf109, Ilyushin, Stuka, Yak9, and Zero
 -Changed rear gun muzzle velocity for Ilyushin, SBD, and SBD-T
 -Changed rear gun rate of fire for Ilyushin, SBD, and SBD-T
 -Added more guns to Bf109, Corsair, Mustang, and Zero
 -Changed existing gun positions for Yak9
 -Added visible bombs to all planes and repositioned them
 -Changed LOD distance for all vehicles except for AA_Allies, AA_Base, Defgun, Flak_38, and Carrier_AA_Base
 -Removed extra LODs for all vehicles
 -Added/changed cullRadiusScale for Bf109, Mustang, Spitfire, Stuka, Yak9, Zero, AA_Allies, Flak_38, Kubelwagen, Daihatsu, Elco 80 raft, Lcvp, Sub7C, and Type 38 raft
 -Repositioned torpedo and mine projectile positions for Elco 80 and Type 38
 -Increased cannon projectile TimeToLive for Fletcher, Hatsuzuki, PrinceOW, and Yamato
 -Prepared all ships so additional ships can be added with their own spawns without crashing the server (additional ships and spawn groups need to be added manually by code)
 -Added ammo indication for Enterprise AA, Fletcher cannons, Hatsuzuki cannons, and Shokaku AA
 -Changed ammunition for Carrier_AA_Base, all Elco 80 weapons, Fletcher cannons, Gato, Hatsuzuki cannons, all PrinceOW weapons, Sub7C, all Type 38 weapons, and all Yamato weapons
 -Changed rate of fire for Carrier_AA_Base, Elco 80 gun, Fletcher cannons, Hatsuzuki cannons, all PrinceOW weapons, Type 38 gun, and all Yamato weapons
 -Changed all ammo icons to display both ammo count and reload for PrinceOW and Yamato
 -Increased TimeToLiveAfterDeath for all vehicles except AA guns and KatyushaRocket
 -Disabled DamageFromWater for Elco 80 raft and Type 38 raft
 -Changed lift for Elco 80 and Type 38 mines (underwater mines) [suggested by JJ]
 -Changed Type 38 gun tracer life
 -Increased TimeToLive for Elco 80 and Type 38 mines
 -Changed reload time for Gato and Sub7C
 -Made the rest of the Yamato guns functional
 -Added a second ammo icon for PrinceOW forward position and the Yamato forward and aft positions
 -Added recoil to PrinceOW cannons
Started modifications of in-game content [2007-11-14]
Initial idea and preparations [2007-11-12]

Changes by object

Hand weapons

   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieBar1918 from 0.20 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchBar1918 from 0.36 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimBar1918 from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed e_MuzzSG44 position from 0/0.06/0.675 to 0.02/0.05/0.675
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 1.2/1/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.04/0/0 to -0.118/0.04/0
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 805
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieBazooka from 0.27 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchBazooka from 0.38 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimBazooka from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation -3/-1.5/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.05/-0.02/0 to -0.115/0/0
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed reloadtime from 5.6 to 7
   -Changed autoreload from 1 to 0
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0.2 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 50 to 81
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieColt from 0.20 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchColt from 0.25 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimColt from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 4/2/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.01/-0.01/0.1 to -0.072/0.025/0
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.7 to 1
   -Changed distToMinDamage from 40 to 70
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 400 to 244
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieDp from 0.20 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchDp from 0.36 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimDp from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 0.6/0.8/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.04/0/0 to -0.101/0.06/-0.15
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 840
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed timetolive from 240 to 86400
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed timetolive from 3 to 4.5
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed timetolive from 3 to 5
   -Added set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieJohnsonLmg 0
   -Added set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchJohnsonLmg 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimJohnsonLmg from .3 to 0
   -Changed e_MuzzSG44 position from 0/0.03/0.675 to 0.04/-0.01/0.675
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 3.8/3.8/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.04/0/0 to -0.11/-0.03/-0.15
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 850
   -Changed magazine size from 30 to 20
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieK98 from 0.24 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchK98 from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimK98 from 0.32 to 0
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 0.7/0/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.07/0/0 to -0.088/0.022/-0.3
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.4 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 760
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Added SetRotation 0.7/0/0
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.1 (10x) to 0.25 (4x)
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 2000 to 760
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed timetolive from 360 to 86400
   -Added set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieM1Garand 0
   -Added set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchM1Garand 0
   -Changed e_MuzzGun position from 0/0.05/0.84 to 0.03/0.05/0.84
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimM1Garand from .2 to 0
   -Added SetPosition -0.03/0.03/0
   -Added SetRotation 4.2/2.8/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.04/-0.03/0 to -0.098/-0.025/-0.1
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.8 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 853
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieMp18 from 0.26 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchMp18 from 0.79 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimMp18 from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed e_MuzzThomp position from 0/0.058/0.3 to 0.04/0.054/0.3
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 5/2/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.05/0.02/0.06 to -0.1/0.02/-0.1
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 380
   -Changed rate of fire from 9 to 8.33
   -Changed magazine size from 32 to 20
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieMp40 from 0.20 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchMp40 from 0.34 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimMp40 from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed e_MuzzThomp position from 0/0.023/0.43 to 0.04/0/0.43
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 4/3/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.02/-0.0/-0.08 to -0.075/0.035/-0.1
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.9 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 380
   -Changed rate of fire from 9 to 8.33
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieNo4 from 0.36 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchNo4 from 0.36 to 0
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimNo4 from 0.1 to 0
   -Added SetRotation 0.4/0.75/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.07/0/0 to -0.083/0.03/-0.2
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.4 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 744
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.1 (10x) to 0.286 (3.5x)
   -Added SetRotation 0.4/0.75/0
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 2000 to 744
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LiePanzershreck from 0.30 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchPanzershreck from 0.30 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimPanzershreck from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation -3/1/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.05/-0.02/0 to -0.072/0/0
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 0.7
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed reloadtime from 5.6 to 7
   -Changed autoreload from 1 to 0
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0.2 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 50 to 81
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTIcon to CHTNone
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieSg44 from 0.44 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchSg44 from 0.44 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimSg44 from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 2.4/2.4/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.04/-0.01/0 to -0.082/0/-0.1
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 685
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieThompson from 0.20 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchThompson from 0.33 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimThompson from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed e_MuzzThomp position from -0.004/0.08/0.38 to 0.01/0.07/0.38
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 0.31/1.6/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.05/-0.01/0.08 to -0.072/0.044/-0.1
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 300
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Added set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieType5 0
   -Added set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchType5 0
   -Changed e_MuzzGun position from 0/0.05/0.84 to 0.03/0.05/0.84
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimType5 from .2 to 0
   -Added SetPosition -0.03/0.03/0
   -Added SetRotation 4.25/2.2/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.04/-0.03/0 to -0.099/-0.028/-0.1
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.8 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 853
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieType99 from 0.20 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchType99 from 0.36 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimType99 from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed e_MuzzSG44 position from 0/0.04/0.70 to 0.01/0.01/0.7
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 1.25/4.4/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.05/0.02/0.06 to -0.072/0.055/-0.1
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.6 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 715
   -Changed magazine size from 20 to 30
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_LieWalterP38 from 0.26 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_CrouchWalterP38 from 0.26 to 0
   -Changed set1pAnimationSpeed Ub_StandAimWalterP38 from 0.1 to 0
   -Changed setCrossHairType from CHTCrossHair to CHTNone
   -Added SetRotation 4.5/3.5/0
   -Changed soldierZoomPosition from -0.01/-0.01/0.1 to -0.075/0.028/0
   -Changed soldierZoomFov from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed zoomFov from 0.7 to 1
   -Changed distToMinDamage from 40 to 50
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 400 to 365
   -Changed addrootspeed from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile gravity modifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 1 to 600

Stationary weapons

 -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0 to 1
 -Changed projectile timetolive from 3 to 600
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 805
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 805
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 805
   -Changed rate of fire from 12 to 10
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 805
   -Changed rate of fire from 12 to 20
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 755
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 755
   -Changed rate of fire from 12 to 20
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 755
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 755
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 805
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 1000 to 755


 -Changed waterdamagedelay from 90 to 0
 -Changed hpLostWhileDamageFromWater from 1 to 0
 -Changed mass from 100 to 70
 -Changed timetoliveafterdeath from 10 to 600
 -Changed cullradiusscale from 3 to 5

Air vehicles

 -Removed extra LODs
 -Added visible bombs and repositioned them (Ilyushin already had visible bombs)
 -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
 -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
 -Changed main wheels from RollGripWhenOccupied to RollGrip
 -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0 to 1
 -Changed projectile timetolive from 1.5 to 600
   -Changed bomb roundoffire from 0.2 to 1
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed primary gun ammunition from 600 (300 per gun) to 1582 (791 per gun)
   -Changed primary gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 723.9
   -Added SetAsynchronyFire 1 for bombs
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 30 to 2
   -Changed the rate of fire from 10 to 8.3 (approx. 500/min) for main guns
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed primary gun ammunition from 600 (300 per gun) to 1582 (791 per gun)
   -Changed primary gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 723.9
   -Changed torpedo ammunition from 15 to 1
   -Changed the rate of fire from 10 to 8.3 (approx. 500/min) for main guns
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 2 to 600
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 400 to 930
   -Changed gun ammunition from 450 per gun position to 3400 per gun position (6800 total)
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 80 (8x10) to 16 (approx. short range count for 500lb bombs)
   -Changed LOD distance from 300 to 5000
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 3148
   -Changed gun ammunition from 900 to 2500 (450 per gun to 500 per gun)
   -Added 3 guns (2 above engine and 1 in propeller hub)
   -Changed gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 900
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 15 to 1
   -Changed gun rate of fire from 12 to 20
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 6300
   -Changed gun ammunition from 900 (450 per gun for 2 guns) to 2340 (390 per gun for 6 guns)
   -Added 4 guns to wings, each pair with different angles
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 15 to 1
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 400 to 930
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 3 to 600 for rear gun
   -Changed bomb roundoffire from 0.3 to 1
   -Changed mass from 3000 to 6160
   -Changed rear gun rate of fire from 10 to 15
   -Changed rear gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 832
   -Changed rear gun ammunition from 600 to 150
   -Changed gun ammunition from 600 to 300
   -Changed primary gun rate of fire from 12 to 10
   -Changed primary gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 905
   -Added SetAsynchronyFire 1 for bombs
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 30 to 2
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed bomb roundoffire from 0.2 to 1
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 4175
   -Added SetAsynchronyFire 1 for bombs
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 15 to 2
   -Added 1 bomb
   -Changed gun ammunition from 900 (450 per gun for 2 guns) to 2140 (approx. 357 per gun for 6 guns; realistically 400 for 4 inside guns and 270 for the 2 outside guns)
   -Added 4 guns to wings, each pair with different angles
   -Changed gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 930
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 3 to 600 for rear gun
   -Changed bomb roundoffire from 0.3 to 1
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed mass from 3000 to 4843
   -Changed rear gun rate of fire from 10 to 20
   -Changed rear gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 845
   -Changed rear gun ammunition from 600 to 2000
   -Added SetAsynchronyFire 1 for bombs
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 30 to 2
   -Changed primary gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 930
   -Changed primary gun ammunition from 600 to 700
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 3 to 600 for rear gun
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed mass from 3000 to 4843
   -Changed torpedo ammunition from 15 to 1
   -Changed rear gun rate of fire from 10 to 20
   -Changed rear gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 845
   -Changed rear gun ammunition from 600 to 2000
   -Changed primary gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 930
   -Changed primary gun ammunition from 600 to 700
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 4653
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 15 to 1
   -Changed gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 930
   -Changed gun ammunition from 900 to 500
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed bomb roundoffire from 0.2 to 1
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed mass from 3000 to 3500
   -Added SetAsynchronyFire 1 for bombs
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 30 to 2
   -Changed primary gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 900
   -Changed primary gun rate of fire from 10 to 20
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 3117
   -Changed gun positions from [2.0/-0.3/0.8 -1.6/0/0] and [-2.0/-0.3/0.8 1.6/0/0] to [0/0/2.8 0/0/0] and [-4.0/-0.1/0.9 1.6/0/0]
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 15 to 1
   -Changed gun rate of fire from 12 to 15
   -Changed gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 832
   -Changed gun ammunition from 900 to 400
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000
   -Changed min/max rotation of flaps from -2/2 to -30/0
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 2410
   -Changed bomb ammunition from 15 to 1
   -Changed gun ammunition from 900 to 2000
   -Added 4 guns (2 in outer wings and 2 in front of cockpit)
   -Changed gun rate of fire from 12 to 8.3
   -Changed gun muzzle velocity from 400 to 723.9
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 200 to 5000

Land vehicles

 -Removed extra LODs
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed rate of fire from 3 to 2
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 300 to 881
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed number of gears from 5 to 3
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 1100
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 80 to 355
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 114
   -Changed number of gears from 5 to 4
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -20/5 to -15/2 (15 degrees up/2 degrees down)
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 15800
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 125 to 800
   -Changed timetoliveafterdeath from 85 to 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0 to 1
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed mass from 15000 to 7810
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed mass from 15000 to 6500
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed number of gears from 4 to 5
   -Changed recoil force from 30 to 0
   -Changed 2nd position camera from below rails (0/0.25/0.2) to above and behind rails (0/1/-3)
   -Changed from fake 4WD (2 with power, 2 with fake power and no strength/dampening) to true 4WD
   -Changed rocket launch velocity from 45 to 355
   -Changed rate of fire from 1 to 2
   -Removed rocket rail traverse control from -70/70 (70 degrees left/70 degrees right)
   -Changed ammunition from 30 (6x5) to 12 (12x1)
   -Added 6 rocket positions and tweaked existing positions
   -Changed mass from 4500 to 7200
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed timetolive from 20 to 600
   -Changed mass from 20 to 41.5
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 1300
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed number of gears from 5 to 4
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 715
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed cullRadiusScale from 2.5 to 5
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed number of gears from 1 to 5
   -Changed mass from 3600 to 3000
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 792
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 54
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -20/5 to -30/10 (30 degrees up/10 degrees down)
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 29600
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed mass from 15000 to 9300
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0.5 to 1
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 430
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 87
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -20/5 to -20/10 (20 degrees up/10 degrees down)
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 472
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 69
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -40/0 to -35/5 (35 degrees up/5 degrees down)
   -Changed turret train limit from -25/25 to -15/30 (15 degrees left/30 degrees right)
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 22970
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret rate of fire from 0.2 to 0.12
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 518
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 112
   -Changed cockpit camera movement limits to match new turret limits
   -Changed turret train limit from -15/15 to -25/15 (25 degrees left/15 degrees right)
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -40/0 to -40/9 (40 degrees up/9 degrees down)
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 25500
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 619
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 90
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -20/5 to -25/10 (25 degrees up/10 degrees down)
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 30800
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 655
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 77
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -20/5 to -30/3 (30 degrees up/3 degrees down)
   -Changed number of gears from 5 to 4
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 28000
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed turret rate of fire from 0.35 to 0.18
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 792
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 60
   -Changed number of gears from 5 to 4
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -20/5 to -25/5 (25 degrees up/5 degrees down)
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 32000
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 600
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 92
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -20/5 to -15/8 (15 degrees up/8 degrees down)
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 56900
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
   -Changed projectile timetolive from 10 to 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed turret muzzle velocity from 100 to 540
   -Changed turret ammunition from 30 to 32
   -Changed turret elevation limit from -40/5 to -42/5 (42 degrees up/5 degrees down)
   -Changed turret train limit from -20/20 to -17/17 (17 degrees left/17 degrees right)
   -Changed mass from 25000 to 11000
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Changed from rear wheel drive to 4WD
   -Changed number of gears from 5 to 3
   -Changed mass from 2500 to 1100
   -Changed LOD distance from 135 to 5000

Sea vehicles

 -Removed extra LODs
 -Prepared all ships so additional ships can be added with their own spawns without crashing the server (additional ships and spawn groups need to be added manually by code)
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0 to 1
   -Changed elevation limits from -80/2 to -90/6
   -Changed muzzle velocity from 300 to 881
   -Changed ammunition from infinity to 2000 rounds per gun
   -Changed rate of fire from 3 to 2 per second
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Changed mass from 30000 to 9500
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
 Elco 80
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added AddRootSpeed 0 for torpedo
   -Changed torpedo NoPropellerEffectAtSpeed from 200 to 18
   -Changed torpedo timetolive from 20 to 788
   -Changed torpedo launch velocity from 30 to 12
   -Changed torpedo mass from 200 to 1179
   -Removed explodeNearEnemyDistance for mines
   -Changed mass from 40000 to 51000
   -Repositioned mine projectile positions from 0/0/2 to 0/0/0
   -Repositioned torpedo projectile positions from 0/-1.5/3.55 to 0/0/0
   -Changed Browning muzzle velocity from 1000 to 860
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
   -Changed TimeToLiveAfterDeath from 0 to 86400 (1 day)
   -Changed mine lift from 6 to 3 (underwater mines, suggested by JJ)
   -Changed TimeToLive for mines to 86400 seconds (1 day)
   -Changed rate of fire for Browning from 7.5 to 9rps (540rpm)
   -Changed ammunition from 10 (2x5) to 2 torpedos, 6 to 4 mines, and from 800 to 3000 (100x30) for Browning (based on air-cooled barrel life)
 Elco 80 raft
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
   -Changed TimeToLiveAfterDeath from 0 to 86400 (1 day)
   -Changed DamageFromWater from 1 to 0
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Changed mass from 25000000 to 22000000
   -Added ammo indication to AA
   -Changed LOD distance from 450 to 5000
   -Changed traverse limits for cannons from -120/120 to -150/150
   -Changed elevation limits for cannons from -60/10 to -85/15
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed mass from 2500000 to 2100000
   -Changed cannon muzzle velocity from 160 to 762
   -Increased cannon projectile TimeToLive from 10 to 600 seconds
   -Changed LOD distance from 500 to 5000
   -Changed cannon rate of fire from 5 to 4 seconds per shot
   -Changed cannon ammunition from infinity to 575 per barrel
   -Added ammo indication for cannons
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Changed mass from 800000 to 1549000
   -Changed LOD distance for Gato from 150 to 5000
   -Changed Gato ammunition from 1998 (2x999) to 24 (2x12)
   -Changed submarine reload time from 10 to 60 seconds (not based on fact, just a rough guess)
   -Changed traverse limits for cannons from -110/110 to -150/150
   -Changed elevation limits for cannons from -60/4 to -90/10
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed mass from 2500000 to 2700000
   -Changed cannon muzzle velocity from 160 to 1000
   -Increased cannon projectile TimeToLive from 10 to 600 seconds
   -Changed LOD distance from 700 to 5000
   -Changed cannon ammunition from infinity to 200 per barrel
   -Changed cannon rate of fire from 5 to approx. 3.3 seconds per shot
   -Added ammo indication for cannons
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Changed mass from 30000 to 8000
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0 to 1 for AA
   -Changed traverse limits for AA from -180/0 to -170/-10
   -Changed elevation limits for AA from -65/-9 to -70/5
   -Changed traverse limits for cannons from -110/110 to -135/135
   -Changed elevation limits for cannons from -10/0 to -40/3
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Added recoil force for cannons
   -Changed mass from 35000000 to 39000000
   -Changed AA muzzle velocity from 300 to 792
   -Changed cannon muzzle velocity from 200 to 732
   -Increased cannon projectile TimeToLive from 10 to 600 seconds
   -Changed LOD distance from 500 to 5000
   -Changed AA rate of fire from 3rps to approx. 7.5 seconds per shot
   -Changed AA ammunition from infinity to 400 per gun
   -Changed cannon rate of fire from approx. 6.67 to approx. 30 seconds per shot
   -Added recoil to cannons
   -Added a second ammo icon for the small turret hub of the primary position
   -Changed cannon ammunition from infinity to 100 per barrel
   -Changed all ammo icons to display both ammo count and reload
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Changed mass from 25000000 to 28000000
   -Added ammo indication to AA
   -Changed LOD distance from 700 to 5000
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Changed mass from 800000 to 769000
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 150 to 5000
   -Changed ammunition from 1998 (2x999) to 14 (2x7)
   -Changed reload time from 10 to 60 seconds (not based on fact, just a rough guess)
 Type 38
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added AddRootSpeed 0 for torpedo
   -Changed NoPropellerEffectAtSpeed for torpedo from 200 to 11.8
   -Changed timetolive for torpedo from 20 to 338
   -Changed launch velocity for torpedo from 30 to 10
   -Changed mass for torpedo from 200 to 614
   -Separated torpedo and mine settings for patrol boats
   -Removed explodeNearEnemyDistance for mines
   -Changed mass from 20450 to 22000
   -Repositioned mine projectile positions from 0/0/2 to 0/0/0
   -Repositioned torpedo projectile positions from 0/-1.5/3.55 to 0/0/0
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
   -Changed TimeToLiveAfterDeath from 0 to 86400 (1 day)
   -Changed mine lift from 6 to 3
   -Changed Oerlikon tracer life from 2 to 3.75 seconds
   -Changed rate of fire for Oerlikon from 11rps to approximately 450 rounds per minute (7.5 per second)
   -Changed ammunition from 10 (2x5) to 2 torpedoes, 6 to 4 mines, and 500 to 9000 (60x150) for Oerlikon
 Type 38 raft
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Added cullRadiusScale 5
   -Changed LOD distance from 100 to 5000
   -Changed TimeToLiveAfterDeath from 0 to 86400 (1 day)
   -Changed DamageFromWater from 1 to 0
   -Changed projectile gravitymodifier from 0 to 1 for AA
   -Changed traverse limits for AA from -75/75 to -70/70
   -Changed elevation limits for AA from -15/0 to -79/18
   -Changed traverse limits for cannons from -100/100 to -150/150
   -Changed elevation limits for cannons from -15/1 to -45/5
   -Added timetoliveafterdeath 600
   -Added timeToStartFadeAfterDeath 570
   -Removed projectile smoke trail
   -Changed recoil force for medium cannon from 10 to 2
   -Changed mass from 35000000 to 70000000
   -Changed AA muzzle velocity from 200 to 720
   -Changed medium cannon muzzle velocity from 160 to 920
   -Changed large cannon muzzle velocity from 160 to 805
   -Increased cannon projectile TimeToLive from 10 to 600 seconds
   -Changed LOD distance from 500 to 5000
   -Changed AA ammunition from infinity to 300 per gun
   -Changed AA rate of fire from 3 per second to approx. 5.5 seconds per shot
   -Made the rest of the large cannons and AA guns functional
   -Changed medium cannon ammunition from infinity to 165 per barrel
   -Changed medium cannon rate of fire from 5 to 10 seconds per shot
   -Changed all ammo icons to display both ammo count and reload
   -Added a second ammo icon for the primary and secondary positions
   -Changed large cannon ammunition from infinity to 100 per barrel
   -Changed large cannon rate of fire from 5 to approx. 35 seconds per shot