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Sources: Wikipedia
Real life BF1942 BF1942: WWII Reality (current)
Variant Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny (Degtyaryov hand-held infantry machine gun) DP DP
Dimensions {{{rdimension}}} {{{bfdimension}}} {{{bfrdimension}}}
Weight 9.12kg None None
Crew 1 1 1
Ammunition capacity 49 (47 in practice) 47 x 3 mags 47 x 3 mags
Ammunition weight 9.7g or 12g (See DPProjectile) (See DPProjectile)
Rate of fire 500-600rpm 9rps (540rpm)

3.6 second reload time

9rps (540rpm)

3.6 second reload time

Muzzle velocity 840m/s 1000m/s 840m/s
Firing range ~800m effective (See DPProjectile) (See DPProjectile)
Tracer range/time None None
Elevation range
Elevation rate
Traverse range
Traverse rate