Xfire coding
Code properties for xfire_games.ini
Provided by Pilot_51 (Xfire username: pilot51).
All descriptions are made by me through my own testing and research unless enclosed in quotes and/or signed with a different name.
^ = Xfire's official description.
Feel free to use this content elsewhere as long as you don't remove credit for descriptions.
If you add descriptions and wants to keep credit, put your signature on it.
Coding tips
dev_games.ini can be used for a single entry, but if it replaces an entry already in xfire_games.ini it does not entirely overwrite the original entry. (Thanks GODJonez!)
AlwaysFullScreen [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
CanBeUpForGame [Specifies if Xfire can include the game in the Up For Game menu. ***OBSOLETE***]
CanaryFlags [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
ChangeTolerance [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
6 8
CommandLineMustContain[0] [Specifies what must be included in the command line for the game to be detected.]
%UA_LAUNCHER_EXE_DIR% [Refers to LauncherDirKey.]
CommandLineMustNotContain[0] [Specifies what must not be included in the command line for the game to be detected.]
%UA_LAUNCHER_EXE_DIR% [Refers to LauncherDirKey.]
DetectDirDefault [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
DetectDirKey [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
DetectServer [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
DisableRawUpload [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
DisconnectTolerance [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
3 5
ExcludeIPPorts [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
External [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
ForceJoinPasswordedServer [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
GameClientDataType [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
GameUrl [Used for web games]
Icon [Filename of the game icon stored in Xfire. ***OBSOLETE (replaced by ShortName)***]
IdGameStatsClass [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
CoD United Offensive WinConsole CoD WinConsole ET WinConsole JAMP WinConsole MOHAA WinConsole MOHTA WinConsole Q3 WinConsole Quake 4 WinConsole
IdGameStatsCmd [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
IdGameStatsTimer [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
10000 40000 70000
InGameFlags [Special fixes and options for XIG.]
InGameFlags[#] [# corresponds to the # of the InGameRenderer that you want the flags to apply to.]
ACTIVATE_APP [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] BLOCK_ASYNC ["Used when some keys are passing through but not others. (e.g. Call of Duty)" ^] CHECK_LISTENER [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] CLEAR_CLIP_CURSOR [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] DDRAW_FLIP_MODE ["Flips the DDRAW (Direct Draw) 1 and 2 buffers to be 2 and 1." ^] DISABLE_ALERTS ["Disables XIG alert box" ^] DISABLE_BROWSER [Disables the Xfire In-Game browser feature] DISABLE_DIRECT_INPUT_HOOK [Disables all DirectInput for XIG] DISABLE_FOR_VISTA [Disables XIG in Vista] DISABLE_LSP [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] DISABLE_RELEASE ["Common problems in games. Release gets called to scrap textures and information. Usually happens when the game closes or is alt+tabbled, if not handled properly can crash the game or Xfire. This corrects the crash." ^ | Try this if In-Game works in the menus, but not during gameplay.] DISABLE_SCREENSHOTS [Disables the Xfire screenshot feature] DISABLE_VIDEO_CAPTURE [Disables the Xfire video recording feature] DISPATCH_CONURE_MESSAGES ["Used when messages are not being sent between the game and Xfire. It re-establishes the communication between XIG and Xfire." ^ | Try this if the game crashes when you try using XIG or if XIG doesn't work.] ENABLE_BROWSER [Enables XIG web browser - introduced in v1.101] ENABLE_MOUSE [Enables mouse to work with XIG] FIX_FLICKER [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] FORCE_REHOOK [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] HIDE_CURSOR [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] MULTIPLE_WINDOWS ["When the game has sections that use multiple windows to display the whole. This allows Xfire to exist in the proper window (e.g. Starcraft)" ^] NO_DINPUT_KEYCHECK ["This is used to prevent keys getting passed through. Another way to solve key passes." ^ | Disables XIG keyboard detection.] NO_HIDE_CURSOR [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] OGL_EXTRA_HOOKS [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] REINSTALL_KEYBOARD_HOOK ["The game attempts to prevent keylogging so Xfire's hooks get dumped. This tells it to reinstall the keyboard hooks." ^] SKIP_DEVICE_RELEASE ["Prevents Xfire devices from getting released." ^] SUBCLASS_WNDPROC [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] USE_DINPUT1 ["When DINPUT8 doesn't work or allow Xfire to hook, this flag is used to circumvent DINPUT8 by creating DINPUT1 to capture the keys (e.g. EA Games)" ^ | Try this if you have no control of the game but can open the XIG window or if the keyboard controls both the game and XIG at the same time.] USE_DINPUT_MOUSE [Try this if the mouse controls both XIG and the game at the same time.] USE_PRESENT ["Used in D3D (Direct 3D) games. It prevents XIG from drawing our Graphical User Interface on the game's textures, like floors and walls." ^] USE_SWAPCHAIN [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***] USE_WINDOWS_INPUT ["Use Windows Input scheme instead of DINPUT" ^ | Try this if you have no control of the game but can open the XIG window. Might not release control completely to XIG (both game and XIG are controlled by keyboard), in which case you should try USE_DINPUT1. Might disable mouse in XIG2.0] VALIDATE_USING_EXE_NAME ["Generally used in Korean MMos that use nProtect or GameGuard. It verifies the EXE name instead of the Process ID." ^] VERIFY_THREADID ["Used for multi-threaded applications and multi-core processors, making sure Xfire is communicating on the proper thread." ^] WEBGAME [Used for web games.] WGLSWAPLAYERBUFFERS ["This corrects an issue where some games use swap player buffers instead of the norm." ^] WOLF_ETPRO ["Stops Xfire from being detected as a hack in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory's ETPro mod." ^]
InGameOGLTextureOffset [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
InGamePaletteIgnore [Something to do with the colors of the Xfire In-Game window.]
InGameRenderer [The rendering engine the game uses, adds support for Xfire In-Game.]
InGameRenderer[#] [# is used in sequence starting at 0, used with games that have support for multiple renderers.]
InGameBrowserWindow.AlignX [X position of the In-Game browser.*x*]
InGameBrowserWindow.AlignY [Y position of the In-Game browser.*y*]
InGameBrowserWindow.Alpha [Opacity of the In-Game browser, 0-255.]
InGameClockWindow.AlignX [X position of the In-Game clock.*x*]
InGameClockWindow.AlignY [Y position of the In-Game clock.*y*]
InGameClockWindow.Alpha [Opacity of the In-Game clock, 0-255.]
InGameEditOptionsWindow.AlignX [X position of the In-Game options.*x*]
InGameEditOptionsWindow.AlignY [Y position of the In-Game options.*y*]
InGameEditOptionsWindow.Alpha [Opacity of the In-Game options, 0-255.]
InGameEscapeKey [Key pressed to close the In-Game window.]
InGameFPSWindow.AlignX [X position of the In-Game FPS counter.*x*]
InGameFPSWindow.AlignY [Y position of the In-Game FPS counter.*y*]
InGameFPSWindow.Alpha [Opacity of the In-Game FPS counter, 0-255.]
InGameInfoWindow.AlignX [X position of the In-Game notification.*x*]
InGameInfoWindow.AlignY [Y position of the In-Game notification.*y*]
InGameInfoWindow.Alpha [Opacity of the In-Game notification, 0-255.]
InGameInfoWindow.DisplayTime [Time in ms the In-Game notification is displayed.]
InGameInfoWindow.Height [Height of the In-Game notification.]
InGameInfoWindow.Hide [Direction the In-Game notification goes to hide.]
InGameInfoWindow.HideTime [Time in ms the In-Game notification takes to hide.]
InGameInfoWindow.Width [Width of the In-Game notification.]
InGameInfoWindow.X [X position offset of the In-Game notification.]
InGameInfoWindow.Y [Y position offset of the In-Game notification.]
InGameMainWindow.AlignX [X position of the In-Game main.*x*]
InGameMainWindow.AlignY [Y position of the In-Game main.*y*]
InGameMainWindow.Alpha [Opacity of the In-Game main, 0-255.]
InGameMainWindow.Height [Height of the In-Game main.]
InGameMainWindow.Width [Width of the In-Game main.]
InGameMainWindow.X [X position offset of the In-Game main.]
InGameMainWindow.Y [Y position offset of the In-Game main.]
InGameToggleKey1 [First key pressed to open the In-Game main window.]
InGameToggleKey2 [Second key pressed to open the In-Game main window.]
InGameVoiceWindow.AlignX [X position of the In-Game voice chat.*x*]
InGameVoiceWindow.AlignY [Y position of the In-Game voice chat.*y*]
InGameVoiceWindow.Alpha [Opacity of the In-Game voice chat, 0-255.]
[*x* = RIGHT, CENTER, or LEFT.]
[*y* = TOP, CENTER, or BOTTOM.]
InstallHint [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
Launch [This is the game launch string which depends heavily on the variables shown below]
LauncherDirAppend [Adds to the end of the directory provided by the registry.]
LauncherDirDefault [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
LauncherDirKey [Registry key pointing to the game installation.]
LauncherDirShortcut [Uses a shortcut (.lnk) file instead of the registry to find the directory.]
CSIDL_PROGRAMS [Variable for the Start Menu Programs directory. ***UNCONFIRMED***]
LauncherDirTruncAt [Removes from the end of the directory provided by the registry.]
LauncherExe [Location of the game exe starting from the directory specified in the reg key.]
LauncherLoginArgs [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
LauncherNetworkArgs [Connection details such as server IP, port, username, and password as used in the command line.]
%UA_GAME_HOST_NAME% [Server IP as detected by Xfire or entered in server favorites.] %UA_GAME_HOST_PORT% [Server port as detected by Xfire or entered in server favorites.] %UA_LAUNCHER_PASSWORD_ARGS% [Refers to LauncherPasswordArgs.] %UA_LAUNCHER_RCON_ARGS% [Refers to LauncherRconArgs.] %UA_LAUNCHER_USERNAME_ARGS% [Refers to LauncherUsernameArgs.]
LauncherPasswordArgs [Password used to join a server as used in the command line.]
%UA_GAME_HOST_PASSWORD% [Password typed in Xfire before joining a passworded server.]
LauncherRconArgs [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
LauncherUrl [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
LauncherUsernameArgs [Username used to join a server as used in the command line.]
%UA_GAME_HOST_USERNAME% [Nickname used in Xfire.]
DP [DirectPlay] DP8 [DirectPlay8]
LongName [Full name of the game as displayed in Xfire.]
ParseIdClientSide [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
PlayingDetectType [Tells Xfire how to detect ProcessWindowTitle.]
ByProcessWindow ByWindow ByWindowSubstr
ProcessWindowTitle [Title of the game window that Xfire uses for identification.]
RunElevated [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
ServerBroadcastPort [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
20100:4 22000:11 2302:10 27960:4 27015:6,4242 27910 28004:4 28070:4 28960:4 29070:10,21000 29900:51 37010 7787,7778
ServerEncodingType [***NEEDS DESCRIPTION***]
ServerGameName ["A regular expression to differentiate between multiple games that have the same server info type and port (such as the various Source games)"]
.* battlefield2 bfield1942 bfvietnam Call of Duty$ Call of Duty 2 CoD:United Offensive Condition Zero Counter-Strike$ Counter-Strike Counter-Strike: Source Day of Defeat Digital Paintball DMC ET Half-Life JAmp,(internal)JAmp JK2MP NS v3 OpFor Teamplay OpFor Teamplay,Opposing Force Q3 Quake4 Final Ricochet sc2007 SOF2MP SvenCoop Team Fortress Classic TS ut2004
ServerStatusType [Server status type used to show proper server information, pre-configured in Xfire.]
AA [America's Army] ASE [All Seeing Eye] BF1942 [Battlefield 1942] BFVIETNAM COD [Call Of Duty] DEUSEX DOOM3 FL DH2K5 [Deer Hunter 2005] GHOSTR GORE GS GS2 HL [Half-Life] HLSTEAM [Steam] HND2 LITH MOHAA [Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault] NWN [NeverWinter Nights] OPFLASH PAINKILLER Q2 [Quake 2] Q3A [Quake 3 Arena] QW [Quake Worlds] R63 [Rainbow Six 3] RNG SAVAGE SCRTK SOURCE THPS3 [Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3] TRIBES TRIBES2 TRIBESV U2 [Unreal 2] UT [Unreal Tournament] UT2K3 [Unreal Tournament 2003] VCG WOLFET [Wolfensein: Enemy Territory]
Shortname [Short name of the game, usually abbreviated. Used as the identfier.]
SoftwareType [Used to identify non-game programs so Xfire deals with them differently.]
VistaInGameFlags [A separate set of InGameFlags for Vista]