Lander (Android)

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Revision as of 06:03, 20 July 2011 by Pilot 51 (talk | contribs) (Moved information about original Lander into separate article Lander.)
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Read this QR Code with an Android device to go to Lander in the Android Market

Lander is an Android port of the 1990 game by the same name for Windows 3.1, originally developed by George Moromisato.
Full permission and v1.3 source code has been provided to aid in the development of this port.

Lander is currently priced at $1.



Dates are based on GMT.

v1.0.1 [2011-04-27]

  • Added improvement: Color end game images (they were included with original source but not used in game)
  • Changed default setting for improvements from Classic to Improved
  • Added presets for improvements: Classic and Improved
  • Changed some text for improvements options
  • Added New and Restart buttons to end game dialog [suggested by Sum_Wun]
  • Touching anywhere on screen starts game (like original game)
  • Fixed version name (wasn't supposed to include "v" prefix, mostly noticeable in Android Market or Application info)

v1.0.0 [2011-04-13]

  • Initial release to the Android Market!

Started development on 2011-03-22
Received permission on 2011-02-16 and source code the next day